Principal's Message

Dear Chester Families,

It is with sincere excitement that I welcome you to our Chester community. I strongly value the relationship between home and school and truly look forward to working with you and your student(s). Chester has a long-standing tradition of excellence and high achievement. Teachers and support staff work diligently to ensure that all students’ academic needs are met and students are thriving in their education. I encourage you to ask your student daily what they are learning in the classroom and what their favorite parts of school are. I also hope you can find time as a family to enjoy books, games, and adventures where students are able to apply the skills they are developing here at school in the real world.    

Chester works hard to educate all our Coyotes in not only academic areas, but also social/emotional learning. We are committed to developing the whole child and do so by taking time each day to build community in the classroom, learn strategies for self-regulation, and tools for managing tough situations. Chester staff believes in teaching all of our students kindness. You will often see and hear about “kindness” being the heart of what we do. As the adult models in our students’ lives, it is essential that we too are always demonstrating kindness and respect to those we interact with.

I strongly encourage all families to be involved in our school. Look for ways to join us in all that we do. Your involvement can range from joining our amazing PTO to volunteering in your students’ classroom to joining us for one of our fun school traditions/events (Special Person Lunch, music performances, etc.). The more connected you are to our school, the greater sense of belonging and community your student(s) and YOU will feel. 

Thank you for sharing your students with us. We look forward to a wonderful school year.


Mrs. Swan
Chester Elementary